I apologize for my inability to read the Latin at the beginning, but I took my best stab at it. I do have a personal goal of being about to read the old Latin, and I'm sure sometime I will find a template to help me understand the standardized language used in this example. I will fix it when I know more.
FHL film #1,835,918
The question marks mean that I cannot read the word.
William Ardren the elder of Slade Hooton
in Laughton, Yorkshire, 1701 will
Wathinson Leg’ dior’ Com’ius Sive Auditor Co?sar’ Sen Negolioru’ vent’ viroru’
duoru’ Decani et Capli’ Ebor’ ?ime fultus universis et singuelis Clius ac
liatis quibusus’ juruem’ uram’ ublet’ ?oustalm’ volis mandamus?qualus Ciletis
Cu??us v’n Cilet P’en?ptorie Anna Ux Guliui Bell de bickerlon p’cia de Bilton
jur’ u’ra Relict’ voro et Admi?tri?em bonoru’ Robt’ Amerell ?p de Bickerlon
p’l’d defti Quod ?ompeat ?ora’ nobislon’??oe urum’ tenen’ infra Ecclia Cathem
Ebor’ p’l’d lowCon? Ibm’ die Jovis
veru’ plena planu’ et p’fected p’li?lare et fidele omniu’ et Singular’ bonoru’
juriu’ Creditoru’ Cattalloru’ et Challoru” ?? defli pls’ Exhibitus Memon
Computu’ Cal??lu’ Sive Recotium(?) veru’ justudet ltimu de et in eisd’ bonis ac
dateris lp’rmise redditur, ac distribuconem in eis’d’ bonis fen visi’ et
andetur(?), Nem’on Cantoriem uberiorem ?um fider jussoribus magis Sufficien’
pro fideli Ad’us bonoru’ du’ defti pre stitur ulterius ?? ad Comoco???c
et Re?eptur q’d justu’ fuerit in hac p’te. Et Quie in prmissis feceritis Nos
Sen deputu’ urum’ quemudgz dris’ die ?ioris et loco debite Certificetis ?nand
lpreseritib??s Bate Ebor’ Sub Sigills officii ?ri Vicesimo die mensis January
anno D’ii 1706.
Aprill 14th
An Inventory of
the goods & Chattells of Will’m Ardrons Senior late of Laughton in le
Morthing dece’d Apprais’d by us Will’m Morley, John Wharton & George Wright
as followeth—
£ s
Imp’r his Purse
& Apparell 01 00 00
It. A Cupboard,
a Chist, & 2 pewter dishes
0 10
It. Two bed
Steads, & Chasse beds 0
10 6
It. Foure Coverlits
0 12
It. A Chist, A
Table & a Chaire
0 5 0
It. A K?mling(?)
a Bufsel(?) forme, a ligh(?),
& ?kneath an Iron Pan &
Reckon hooks
& Gallen(?) balke(?) 0 6
It. A Barrell
& Churne, 2 Hecks, 2 forks,
A sslaile(?) 0 3
8 2
Noveriu’t Universt per presens Noe Gulim’
Andren de Laughton in le Morthing in Com’ Ebor Yeo: Et
Teneri & firmiter Obligeri venti
viro Johann’ Covell S: T: P: Cau’sellaris Ecc’lice Cathis et Metrope’e beati
Petri Ebor’ ac Prebendaris Prebende de Laughton in le Morthing p’l’d
In Ollo libris bone & legalte
monet ? Anglise, Solvend ?id’. ______________
aut suo certo Attornat’ Executor, Administrat sive Assignat’ suis. Ad quam quidem solutionem bene &
fideliter faciend’ Obligamne Nos & utrumgz nostrum per se prototo 7
in solido Heredes, exccuto’ & Administat’ nostros firmiter per
Presentes. Sigillis nostris
sigillat. Dat. Secundo die mensis May Anno
Dom. Millessimo Septingentesimo Septimo.
[2nd May 1707]
The Condition of this Obligation is
such, that if ye above bonnded Wm Andren do well & faithfully Execute
& p’forme ye last Will & Testam’t of Will’m Andren late of Laughton
afores’d dece’d And do pay his Debts and Legacies so far as his
goods will extend and law shall bind him if also he do exhibit into the S’d
Prebendarys Court a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the
Goods, Rights, Credits, and Cattels Chattels of the said Deceased, and do make
a true and just Account of the same when he shall be thereunto lawfully
called. And moreover if need require,
enter into further bond with more sufficient sureties for performance of the
premises as the Judge of the said Court for the time being shall think
requisite and needful. And lastly do
save and defend and harmless keep the above named Prebendary and all his
Officers and Ministers, against all persons by reason of the premises. Then this present Obligation to be void and
of none Effect, or else to remain in full force and verue.
Sigillat & Deliberat in presentia.
[signed] Ja’b: Costevadis???
William Ardron
the name of God Amen I William Ardren the Elder of Slade Hooton in ye
prebendary of Laughton, & ye county of yorke husbandman, being weake of
body, but of sound minde & remembrance, doe make this my last Will &
testam’t in man’er & form following (viz).
I give my soule to god my maker hopeing thro’ ye merits of Jesus X’t my savior
yt it shall be preserved unto life ever lasting, & my body to be decently
buryed at ye discression of my Executor hereafter named, & as for my
worldly goods wch it hath pleased god to give me, I thus dispose of ‘em, first
I give & bequeat unto my son Richard the sum’ of twelve pence to be paid
him wthin one year after my decease by my executor. Item I give unto Richard ye son of ye
foresaid Richard my son, ye sum’ of twelve pence, all the rest of my personal
estate goods & chattles I give unto my son William Ardren whom I constitute
& appoint my sole executor of this my last will & Testament, in witness
hereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this sixteeth day of October in
ye thirteenth year of our sovereign Lord King William ye Third of England
Scotland France & Ireland defender of ye faith &c Anno Domini. 1701
[seal] William
Ardren X his marke
signed & delivered & published as his last will & testam’t in the
presence of
Wright X his marke
Barlow X his marke
Eyre X her marke
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