Monday, July 22, 2013

The 1771 will of Thomas Ardron, Messenger in Ordinary, of Laughton en le Morthen

Both Thomas Ardron's 1771 will, and Samuel Ardron's 1793 will mention their relationship to the Linleys, so this overlapping piece of information appears to establish them as brothers.  They were also from the same place.

I found this will on microfilm at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City last October 2012.  The occupation of "Messenger in Ordinary" led me to the Royal Household and to the Lord Chamberlain records.  I supplemented what I found on the internet by consulting the references in the Lord Chamberlain's records while my wife and I were at The National Archives in early June 2013.

From FHL film #1,835,983

T. Andron

Know all Men, by these Presents That We William Linley of Laughton in the County of York Husband-Man and Benjamin Linley of Laughton aforesaid Hosier are Bound and firmly Obliged to the Reverand Hugh Thomas Doctor in Divinity Chancellor of the Cathedral and Methropolitical Church of Saint Peter of York and Prebendary of the Prebend of Laughton en le Morthen Lawfully founded in the same Church in the Sum of one Hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great-Britain, to be paid to him the said Hugh Thomas or to his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators or Assigns; For the Payment whereof well and truly to be made, We oblige ourselves, and each of us by ourselves, for the Whole and the full our Heirs, Executors and Administrators firmly by these Presents.  Sealed with our Seals, Given the twenty second Day of the Month of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy two.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if Ann Linley Wife of the above bounden William Linley, Sole Executrix named in the last Will and Testament of Thomas Ardron late of Laughton aforesaid in the peculiar Jurisdiction of the Chancellorship and Prebend of Laughton en le Morthen aforesaid Yeoman deceased do well and truly execute and perform the said last Will and Testament of the said deceased.

And do pay his Debts and Legacies so far as his Goods will Extend and Law shall bind her if also she do Exhibit into the said peculiar Court at York, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods, Rights, Credits, Cattles, and Chattles of the said Deceased, and do make a true and just Accompt of the same when she shall be thereunto lawfully called.  And moreover, if need require enter into further bond, with more sufficient Sureties for the Performance of the Premisses as the Judge of the said Court, for the Time being shall think requisite and Needful.  And lastly, do save, defend, and harmless keep the above named Judge, and all his Officers, and Ministers, against all Persons by reason of the Premisses.  Then this present Obligation to be void, and of none Effect or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.

[signed] Benjamin Linley
              William Linley X his mark

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
Jno. Clarke
M Waterhouse
[Could be W Waterhouse]

Before the Rev’d John Clarke Clk of Laughton Surr.
Past 7th March 1772 ?p’t

In the Name of God Amen.  I Thomas Ardron one of his Majesties Messengers in ordinary at this time of sound mind, memory, and understanding and considering the uncertainty to which human nature is exposed, do by permission of the Almighty, make and declare this to be my last and only Will, and Testament in the manner following, That is to say I give and bequeath unto my Sister Ann Linley the Wife of William Linley of Laughton in the County of Yorkshire all my Worldly goods, as Money in the Publick Funds, Household Goods and whatever else of what nature soever I may die possessed of (my wearing apparel excepted) to have the use of it for her natural Life.  At her decease to be equally divided between my Nephew Benjamin Linley, son of the above Ann Linley, and my Niece Elizabeth Crampton the Wife of Richard Crampton of middle moorfields London.  Elizabeth Crampton’s share to be for the sole use of her & her Children.  All my wearing Apparel I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Benjamin Linley.  And I do also hereby constitute and appoint my said sister Ann Linley my whole and sole Executrix of this my last and only Will.  In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifth day of August one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy One.

[Signed] Thomas ??drron

Signed, Sealed, published & declared by the said Testator as his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto set our hands as Witnesses in the presence of him and of each other.
W. Jackson James Frith Jno. Stephenson

[For Thomas’s signature, the ink appears to have smeared, but it sure looks like there are two letter r’s after the letter d in his surname.]

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