Saturday, July 27, 2013

Plumley, Bovey Tracey, 22 & 23 November 1675

22 & 23 November 1675

[These are two Indentures attached together by a pin.]

Sealed and delivered in the presence of
                                                                Giles Inglett Junr.
                                                                     Tho Tothill
                                                              William Dunley Jun.

THIS INDENTURE made the Two and Twentieth Day of November in the Seaven & Twentieth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of god of England scotland France & Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c.

BETWEENE John Mardon of Bovytracy in the County of Devon Tanner of the one parte And Richard Willmead of Bovytracy aforesaid in the said County yeoman of the other parte

WITNESSETH that the said John Mardon for and in consideracon. of the sume. of five shillings currant English money to him in hand piad by the said Richard Willmead the receipte whereof the said John Mardon doth hereby acknowledge and thereof the said Richard Willmead his executors & administrators & every of them doth by these pnts. exonerate acquite & discharge

HATH graunted bargained & sold & by these pnts. doth graunte bargaine & sell unto the said Richard Willmead All that one messuage & tenement with their appurtencs. comonly. called or knowne by the name of Plumley scituate lying & being in the said parish of Bovytracy and County of Devon and all howses edifices buildings barnes stables outhowses courtes courtelages gardens orchards wayes pathes easements comodities & advantages to be same belonging or appertaining togeather with all woods underwoods water watercourses Commons & Comon of pasture heath fursse wasts mines quarries fishings fowlings Royalties privileidges liberties Jurisdicons profitts emoluments & hereditaments unto the said pr.misses belonging or in anywise appertaining or to or with the same heretofore used occupied & enioyed as parte & parcell or member thereof and the revercon & revercons. remainder & remainders Rents & services of all & singular the said premisses with thappurtencs.

TO HAVE & TO HOLDE the foresaid messuage and tenement called Plumely and all & singular other the foresaid premisses with thappurtencs unto the said Richard Willmead his executors & assignes from the nyne & twentieth day of September last past before the date hereof for and during the Terme of one whole yeare thence next ensuing fully to bee compleate and ended

IN WITNESSE whereof the parties aforesaid to these present Indentures their hands & seales interchangeably have sett yeoven the day and yeare first above written  Annoq. Dni. 1675.

                                                                    John Mardon


23 Nov. 1675.    Plumley.  2

Sealed and delivered in the presence of
                                                                Giles Inglett Junr.
                                                                     Tho. Tothill
                                                              William Dunley Jun:

THIS INDENTURE made the Three & twentieth day of November in the Seaven and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of god of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c.

BETWEENE John Mardon of Bovytracy in the County of Devon Tanner of the one parte And Richard Willmead of Bovytracy aforesaid in the said County yeoman of the other parte

WHEREAS William Walrond of Bradford in the County of Devon esquire and Robert Shapcote of Bradninch in the said County esquire by Deed indented bearing Date the Seaventeenth day of December in the yeare of our Lord god according to the computacon of the church of England one thousand sixe hundred fiftye and nine made betweene them the said William Walrond & Robert Shapcote & Anna his wife George Cockram of Collompton in the said County of Devon Gent & Rebecca his wife Roger Bishope of Dublyn in the dominion of Ireland Gent. & Margery his wife and Abigall Prowse of Crediton in the County of Devon widdow & penelope Walrond daughter of Henry Walrond of Bradford esquire deceased of the one parte and Thomas Bowdon of Bishopestyngton in the County of Devon yeoman & the said John Mardon of the other parte did for the consideracon of the sume of one hundred & fowerscore pounds lawfull money of England in hand paid and secured to bee paid by Thomas Willmead of the parish of Bovytracy in the County of Devon Tanner to & for the uses intents & purposes and for the causes in the said deed indented menconed fverified & exprsed graunte bargaine sell enfeoffe & confirme and the said George Cockram & Rebecca his wife Roger Bishope & Margery his wife Abigall Prowse & Penelope Walrond did by the said deed indented Remise Release & confirme unto the said Thomas Bowden & John Mardon their heires and assignes for ever All that one Messuage and Tenement with their appurtencs. comonly called & knowne by the name of Plumley scituate lying & being in the parish of Bovy Tracy in the County of Devon then in possession of the foresaid Thomas Willmead and all howses edifices buildings barnes stables outhowses courtes courtelages gardens orchards waies pathes easements comodities & advantages to the same belonging or appertaining togeather with all woods underwood waters watercourses comons & comon of pasture heath fursse wasts mines quarries fishings fowlings Royalties priveliedges liberties Jurisdiccons profitts emoluments & hereditaments whatsoever unto the said premisses thereby graunted in anywise belonging or appertaining or to or with the same heretofore used occupied as parte & parcell or member thereof And alsoe the revercon & revercons remainder & remainders rents & services of the premisses thereby graunted wth said premisses were then parte & parcell of the Mannor of fishacree in the County of Devon To have and to hold the said Messuage and tenement and alsoe all and singular other the premisses with their & every of their appurtencs. by the said deed indented graunted unto they the said Thomas Bowdon & John Mardon their heires & assignes forever to & for the only use & behoofe of they the said Thomas Bowdon & John Mardon their heires & assignes forever more upon speciall Trust & confidence neverthelesse in them the said Thomas Bowdon & John Mardon & their heires reposed and to this intent & purpose only that they the said Thomas Bowdon & John Mardon and their heires & assignes should stand & bee seized of the premisses aforesaid in trust to & for the only use benefitt & behoofe of such person & persons and for such estate & estates and in such manner & forme and to such intents & purposes as the said Thomas Willmead by his last will & Testament in writing to be testified by two Credible witnesses or more or by any other writinge or writings made in his life time under his hand & sealle to be testified by two credible witnesses or nore should Lymitt declare & appoint and for default of such lymitacon and appointment to & for the only use and behoof of the said  Thomas Willmead his heires & assignes for ever more and to & for noe other use intent or purpose whatsoever as in & by the said recited Deed indented amongest other things therein contained more at large appeareth

AND whereas the said Thomas Willmead did afterwards by his last will & testament in writinge bearing date the Seaventeenth day of January in the Eighteenth yeare of the raigne of our said soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles the second testified by three credible witnesses give to the said Richard his sonne (and heire apparant) and to his heires forever after his (the said Thomas Willmeads) decease and after the death of Margery his wife the Land of all the (foresaid) Messuage and tenement comonly called or knowne by the name of Plumley with thappurtencs. scituate lying & being in Bovytracy aforesaid and of his said will made the said Margery his wife & Richard Willmead have taken upon them the execucon. of the said will

AND whereas the said Thomas Bowdon since the making & executing of the said deed indented dyed and thereby the said trust was wholy devolved on and doth now remaine in the said John Mardon

NOW these presents WITNESSE that the said John Mardon according to and for the discharging oif the trust aforesaid reposed in him & the said Thomas Bowdon by the said Thomas Willmead as aforesaid and att the request & desire of the said Richard Willmead and for diverse other good causes & consideracons him thereunto movinge and induring

HATH graunted enfeoffed bargained sold aliened released & confirmed and by these pnts doth cleerly & absolutely graunte enfeoffe bargaine sell alien release & confirme unto the said Richard Willmead & his heires All the foresaid messuage and tenement with thappurtencs in Bovytracy aforesaid comonly called or knowne by the name of Plumley and all & singular other the premisses with thappurtencs graunted bargained & sold or intended to bee graunted bargained & sold enfeoffed released & confirmed in and by the said recited Deed indented  All said graunted premisses are now in the actuall possession of the said Richard Willmead by virtue of a Bargaine & sale for the consideracon of five shillings for the tearme of one yeare from the nyne & twentieth day of September last past before the date hereof unto him thereof made by the said John Mardon by his Deed bearing date the next day before the date hereof and intended for the execucon of these pnts. and by force of the statute for transferring of uses into possession as by the said Deed relacon thereunto being had more at large doth & may appeare And foresaid John Mardon for the causes & consideracons aforesaid doth likewise graunte bargaine & sell unto the said Richard Willmead the revercon & revercons remainder & remainders rents & services of all & singular the foresaid premisses with thappurtencs and all deeds writings & evidences whatsoever in his hands & power concerning only the foresaid premisses or only any parte thereof

TO HAVE & TO HOLDE the said messuage and tenement called Plumley with all & singular other the foresaid pr.misses with thappurtencs unto the said Richard Willmead his heires & assignes forever unto the only use and behoofe of the said Richard Willmead his heires & assignes for ever more to be holden of the cheiffe Lord or Lords of the fee of the premisses by the Rents & services therefore due and of right accustomed to bee paid

AND the said John Mardon for himselfe his heires executors & administrators and for every of them doth covenante promise & agree unto & with the said Richard Willmead his heires & assignes and to & with every of them by these pnts. that hee the said Richard Willmead his heires & assignes shall or lawfully may for ever hereafter quietly & peaceably have hold use occupy possesse & enioy all & singular the foresaid premisses with thappurtencs. without the lett suite hurte denyall interupcon. eviccon or eieccon of or by him the said John Mardon his heires or assignes or any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully clayming or to clayme by from or under him or them or nay or either of them And that all & singular the foresaid premisses with thappurtencs. for ever hereafter shall or lawfully may remaine continue and bee unto the foresaid Richard Willmead his heires & assignes fre & cleer of and from all former & other guifts graunted bargaines sales demises leases tytles troubles charges incumberances & demaunds whatsoever had made comitted imposed suffered or done by him the said John Mardon or to be had made comitted imposed suffered or done by him the said John Mardon his heires or assignes or any or either of them And that hee the said John Mardon and his heires att any time hereafter upon reasonable request to him or them to bee made by the said Richard Willmead his heires or assignes and att his or their costs & charges shall & will make doe execute acknowleidge & suffer or cause & procure to be made done executed acknowledged & suffered all & every such other reasonable Act thinge or devise acts things or divises in the Lawe whatsoever for the further firmer & better assuring conveying of all & singular the before graunted meant or intended to bee graunted premisses with thappurtencs unto the said Richard Willmead his heires & assignes as by him or them his or their councell learned in the lawe shall be reasonably required devised or directed for as for the doinge thereof none of the persons to be requested bee compellable to travell above the space of twenty miles from the place or places of his or their aboad at the time of such request to be made and for as alsoe the said further assurance comprehend noe larger warranty or covenants then are contained in these pnts. And that the said further assurance shall be & envre and is hereby declared to bee unto the only use & behoofe of the said Richard Willmead his heires & assignes for ever more and to & for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever

IN WITNESE whereof the parties aforesaid to these present Indentures their hands & seales interchangeably have sett yeoven the day & yeare first above written.  Annoq. Dni. 1675

                                                                    John Mardon

[Transcribed 1 February 1988 and typed 29 May 1989 by G.J.Ramstedt.]

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