Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wheelhouse wills of Yorkshire

Wheelhouse wills proved at the Prerogative and Exchequer Courts of York.

[These wills were skimmed by Greg Ramstedt in order to establish basic family relationships.  There is a lot more in these wills about property and bequeaths.  I used microfilms at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.—13 June 2012]

Index information is from

Prerogative & Exchequer Court of York Wills index, 1688-1858

Wheelhouse, John  of Spofforth, Yorkshire.   Jan 1818, Exchequer, Will, vol. 162, folio 381, film 99781
He is of Spofforth, York, butcher.  Wife is Hannah Wheelhouse. Mentions good friend Joshua Smith of Spofforth, yeoman.  Mentions his brother Joshua Wheelhouse.  Provisions made for support and maintenance of his daughter Sarah during her minority, and for other possible children.  Written 1 June 1791.  Past 17th January 1818.

Wheelhouse, John of Barraby Grange, Kirby Overblow, Yorkshire.  24 Sep 1720, Exchequer (Ainsty), Will 74/555, 99691
Written Oct. 4, 1719 by John Wheelas of Barriby Grange Husbandman, Yorkshire in the parish of Kirkby Overblow.   To be buried at Kirkby Overblow.  Ezabell my wife.  Daughter Anne Wheelas.  John Ellison by brother-in-law. 

Wheelhouse, Jonathan of Kippax, Yorkshire.   Jun 1857, Prerogative, Wioll, vol. 244, folio 997, film 99875
Jonathan Wheelhouse of Kippax is a butcher and farmer.  Written 28 Jan 1856.  His wife is Elizabeth Wheelhouse.  His properties are occupied by William Firth, Henry Firth and William Waddington.

Wheelhouse, Margaret of Knaresborough, Yorkshire.  Jan 1847, Prerogative, Admon, vol. 216, f. ?
This is an administration.

Wheelhouse, Martha of Spofforth, Yorkshire.   Feb 1772, Exchequer, Will, vol. 116, folio 53, film 99733
Martha of Linton in county of York.  Property to her brothers Thomas Wheelhouse of Linton, farmer, and Henry Wheelhouse of Scurry Grange, York, yeoman.  To her godson Thomas Ridsdale, son of Edward Rodsdale pf Sickling, York, yeoman.  To her niece Ann Sayner, widow.  Dated 22 January 1772.  Passed seal 267 Feb. 1772

Wheelhouse, Newsome of Spofforth, Yorkshire.   May 1821, Exchequer, Will, vol 166, f.  , film 99785
See Hannah Wheelhouse below.  Newsome is a place in the parish of Spofforth.

Wheelhouse, Richard of Otley, Yorkshire.  1 Feb 1720/1, Exchequer (Ainsty), Will 75/115, film 99692
Written 16 January 1720/1721.  Richard Wheelhouse is servant to John Cordley of Otley, Yorke Inholder.  To his brother George Wheelhouse.  Mentions Peter Ahers of Leeds.  My sister Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Steele of Marton Inn(?) Grafton, York.  My sister Mary Wheelhouse spinster.  To Elizabeth Addison of Harrowgate spinster. 

Wheelhouse, Robert of Hedon, Yorkshire.  Oct 1762, Exchequer, Admon., vol 106, f.  , not on 99724
Not in collection of wills on 99724 because this is an admon (administration rather than will)

Wheelhouse, Robert of Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire.   Nov 1852, Prerogative, Admon, vol. 227, f.
This is an administration of the estate.

Wheelhouse, Robert of Spofforth, Yorkshire.  March 1776, Exchequer, Will, vol. 120, folio 317, film 99737
Written 18 March 1775.  Robert Wheelhouse of Spofforth Haggs, farmer.  To his daughter Doprothy Dickinson the wife of William Dickinson.  To my daughter Margaret Brotherton wife of Richard Brotherton.  To my daughter AnnGrimston the wife of Thomas Grimston.  To my dear wife Ann Wheelhouse.  His grandson is Robert Wheelhouse.  William Dickinson is to manage the farm.  Past seal March 1776.

Wheelhouse, Robert of Spofforth, Yorkshire.  Sep 1850, Prerogative, Will, vol. 223, folio 562, film 99849
Robert Wheelhouse of Linton in parish of Spofforth, York, farmer.  Dear wife Anna.  Son William Wheelhouse.  Son Robert Wheehouse.  Written 12 Oct 1839.

Wheelhouse, Samuel of Halifax, Yorkshire.  Jul 1840, Exchequer, Will, vol. 202, folio 89, film 99822
Samuel Wheelhouse is of Hebden Bridge Lanes in Heptonstall in parish of Halifax, York.  Mentions wife but not by name.  To granddaughter Martha Wheelhouse (the daughter of my son Robert Wheelhouse).  Son George Wheelhouse gets residue of estate.  My neighbor James Gill of Hebden Briodge Lanes.  Written 4 Nov 1839.  Passed 22 July 1840.

Wheelhouse, Thomas of Spofforth, Yorkshire.  Feb 1797, Exchequer, Will, vol. 141, folio 527, film 99758
It is Thomas Wheelus of Linton, York, Gent..  To son Thomas Wheelus gets property in Linton called Passock and Little Hill.  To his son William Wheelus gets Middle Ing, Ox Close Hole, etc.  To his dear wife Ann Wheelus.  To his sons Richard and Edward Wheelus.  Written 31 March 1780.  Past Feb 1797.

Wheelhouse, Thomas of Kirby Moorside, Yorkshire.   Jun 1834, Prerogative, Will, vol. 189, folio 404, film 99809
He is a gardener.  Gives to Isaac Snowdon of Kirby moorside laborer.  To Jane Atkinson of Kirby moorside.  To Hodgson Atkinson of New Malton, York, patten maker.   To William and George Atkinson of Kirby moorside.  To my niece Mary Pack of Tunbridge Well, Kent.  Written 14 March 1834.

Wheelhouse, Thomas of Kirkby Overblow, Yorkshire.  Apr 1817, Exchequer, Will, vol. 161, folio 186, film 99780
Thomas Wheelhouse of Swindon Hall in Kirkby Overblow, York, farmer.  To his son William Wheelhouse.  Written 18 July 1816.

Wheelhouse, Thos of Woodhouse in Leeds, Yorkshire.  March 1743 Exchequer, will, vol. 88, folio 112, film #99709
He is of Great Woodhouse in Leeds and a clothier.  His mother is Alice Wheelhouse.  Dated 14 May 1742

Wheelhouse, Vincent of Ripon, Yorkshire.  Feb 1815, Prerogative, Will, vol. 159, f. , film 99777
I cannot find him on 99777 (where the January to December pattern repeats four or five times, and the pattern continues on 99778.  The beginning of 99777 seems to start in the middle of February 1815, so it seems that a portion of February is missing, but it wasn’t at the end of 99776.  I looked from January to March for each other these sequences and did not find it.

Wheelhouse, William of Otley, Yorkshire.  Apr 1802, Exchequer, Will, vol. 146, folio 50, folio 99763
Thomas Wheelhouse of Baildon in parish of Otley, Yorkshire, woolcomber.  To James, John and Christian Wheelhouse and Elizabeth Furnish their sister ….  To William Normington.  To Henry Wheelhouse.  To Mary Bentley.  To William Bentley.  His property occupied by John Moorhouse, Thomas Young and himself.  A debt is owed him by Frances Wheelhouse of Baildon.  To his brother-in-law Joshua Greenwood and his sister Mary Thomlinson.  Mr. John Ward of Naval.  Appoint Samuel Brook and John Ambler executors.  Written 7 Jan 1802.

Wheelhouse, William of Knaresborough, Yorkshire.  May 1840, Prerogative, Will, vol. 201, folio 381, film 99821
This is an attestation of the sentiments of Mr. Wheelhouse regarding his estate.  His property is to be divided between his two children, William and Margaret, considering that Mary Anne (alias Mrs. John Dinmore) is not entitled to any pecuniary claim in consequence of the monies expended upon her education and other considerations.  He wants Margaret to live with Mrs. John Dinmore alias Mary Anne until she is settled in life by marriage.  Ref. Mr. Platt of Thornton and Mr. Thomas Grimstone of Clifford to act as guardians over his daughter Margaret.  Made 5 Feb 1840.  Passed 20 May 1840.

Wheelhouse, William of Spofforth, York.  Nov. 1814, Prerogative, Will, vol 158. Folio 350, film 99776
William of Wetherby in county of York yeoman.  Property in Linton in parish of Spofforth, York.  To my son Charles Wheelhouse.  My son Thomas Wheelhouse.  It sounds like his dear wife Hannah is living.  To daughter Hannah wife of William Powell.  Written 1 April 1814.

Wheelhouse, Martin of Bishopside, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire.  2 Jan 1706/7, Excheq. (Craven), Will, 63/414, film 99680
Martin Wheelhouse of Bp’pside in the parochiall of Pateleybridge and County of York, batchelor, being aged and infirme.  He wanted to be interred at the discretion of his cousin Francis Lupton Senr.  To Thomasin the wife of Richard Cowill of Otley.  To his neice Martha Wheelhouse.  To my nephew Martin Wheelhouse.  To William Day Jr.  To anne Cocker my neice the wife of William Cocker.  More money to the survivors of the said Martin Wheelhouse, Thomasin Cowill, Martha Wheelas and Dorothy the wife of the said Will’m Day.  To my nephew Matthew Wheelhouse who is also executor.  Written 9 Nov 1706.

Wheelhous OR Wheelons, James of Thirsk, Yorkshire.  18 May 1716, Exchequer (Bulmer), Will, 70/463, film 99687
Jacobi Whelouse of Thirsk, Yorke, Inholder.  To daughters Ann Whelous and Mary Whelous they get Carlton Butts in Thirsk.  To his son James Whelous.  To my son John Whelous.  To all my grandchildren belonging to Francis Whelous.  To my daughter Sarah Whelous.  His loving wife Mary Whelous.  Written 25 Nov. 1712.

Wheelhouse, Charles of Spofforth, Yorkshire.  June 1817, Prerogative, Will, vol. 161, folio 277, film 99780
Charles is of Linton in parish of Spofforth, York, farmer.  To William Wheelhouse of Linton farmer, Peter Burnell of Ril?ton, York farmer, and Robert Burnell of Ribston joiner.  His dear wife Elizabeth Wheelhouse.  His own son William Wheelhouse has not yet reached age 21.  My daughter Mary Ann Wheelhouse.  Refers to legacies from his late father William Wheelhouse.  Written 24 Jan 1816.

Wheelhouse, Dorothy of Arnold, Nottinghamshire.  Mar 1854, Exchequer, Will, vol. 231, folio 524, film 99862
Didn’t check because she was from Nottinghamshire.

Wheelhouse, Elizabeth of York, Yorkshire.  May 1784, Prerogative, will, vol. 128, folio 158, film 99745
She is a widow of the City of York.  Written 10 Jan 1781.  She is owed £450 by Christopher Shutt of Ryhill in Holderness, on death of Frances Wright of Hedon in Holderness.  It refers to an indenture dated 2 Nov 1765.  Her daughter is Catherine Aspinwell.  Her sons are Charles and James Wheelhouse.  She also has a daughter Mary Wheelhouse.

Wheelhouse, Elizabeth of Halifax, Yorkshire.  Dec 1844, Prerogative, Will vol. ?, folio 467, film 99830
Elizabeth was of Palace house near Hebden Bridge in parish of Halifax in York.  Late of Mayroyd Mill in same parish.  Widow.  Her sons and daughters now living: William Wheelhouse, Joseph Wheelhouse, Mary Mallinson, Hannah Shackle and Eliza Wilson, and my granddaughter Elizabeth Ann Wheelhouse.  My son-in-law John Shackleton.  William Sutcliffe of Hebden Bridge, Gent.  Written 28 Feb 1844

Wheelhouse, Elizabeth of York, Yorkshire.  May 1848, Exchequer, Will, vol. 218, folio 503, film 99839
Elizabeth Wheelhouse of Heworth Road in the suburbs of the City of York, spinster.  Written 19 Juen 1847.  To her nephew Thomas Craggs of Aldwark in City of York joiner. 

Wheelhouse, Elizabeth of Boston, Yorkshire.  May 1849, Prerogative, Admon., vol. 220, f.
This is an administration.

Wheelhouse, Frederick of Otley, Yorkshire.  Oct 1856, Exchequer, Will, vol. 242, page 256, film 99873
Frederick is a timber merchant.  To his dear wife Ann Wheelhouse.  Written 28 Sep 1855.  Passed 20 Oct 1856

Wheelhouse, George of York, Yorkshire.  Nov 1851, Prerogative, Will, vol. 225, folio 1112, film 99853
George Wheelhouse of the City of York, commercial traveler.  Written 17 Feb 1843.  My dear mother Elizabeth Wheelhouse.  My dear sister Mary Rayner wife of Thomas Rayner grocer now residing at Thorparch near Wetherby.  He appoints John Smith of Wetherby grocer and ironmonger and William Bywater of Knottingley surgeon to be the executors. 

Wheelhouse, George of Keighley, Yorkshire.  Nov. 1851, Prerogative, Will, vol. 225, folio ?, film ?
I don’t know if this is the same person as above.

Wheelhouse, Hannah of Holloway, Middlesex.  May 1821, Exchequer, Will, vol. 166, folio 240, film 99785
Hannah late of Holloway, Middlesex, but now of Newsome in the parish of Spofforth, York.  Nieces Hannah Fairburn, Dinah Dinys, Ann Moor, and Mary Ann Smith will receive legacy at age 21.  To Mary, daughter of John Brithwick at 21.  To Mary Moorhouse of Newsome at 21.  My cousin Benjamin Moorhouse is to be sole executor.  Dated 10 Nov. 1820.  Passed 19 May 1821.

Wheelhouse, Henry of Spofforth, Yorkshire.  Nov 1782, Exchequer, Admon., vol. 126, folio ?
This is an administration.

Wheelhouse, Henry of Collingham, Yorkshire.  Nov. 1776, Exchequer, Will, vol. 120, folio 263, film 99737
Henry Wheelhouse of Collingham, Yorkshire, yeoman.   Mentions his good friends John Richardson of Appleton Roebuck in the county of the City of York Cordwainer, and Richard Deighton of Collingham yeoman [Margerison].  My dear wife Elizabeth.  My son-in-law Richard Margerson of Collingham yeoman.  My eldest son John Wheelhouse of Sicklinghall.  My son-in-law William Gill of Sicklinghall and his children.  My daughter Ann the wife of Thomas Savage of Cawood and her children.  The children of my son-in-law John Turnbull of Wetherby weaver.  To children of my son-in-law John Walker of Brearey.  Written 12 Aug 1775.

Wheelhouse, Jacob of Low Bishopside, Yorkshire.  21 May 1693, Exchequer (Craven), Will.  Film 99617
Dated 30 June 1692.  James Wheelhouse of Lowbishopside in Netherdale within the county of Yorke, batchler.  Desires to be buried in church or chapel yard of Paithleybridge in Netherdale.  To my sister Ann Mathews.  Refers to my brother.  To my brother Martin Whellehouse.  Martin Wheelhouse’s signature is part of this and he is from Bishopsd..  An inventory is included.

Wheelhouse, James of Snaith, Yorkshire.  Dec 1831, Prerogative, Will, vol. 184, folio 560, film 99804
James Wheelhouse of Snaith, Yorks, surgeon.  My dear wife Mary Ann.  Property in Snaith and Cowick.  My three children William Saint James, Mari Ann Margaret and Claudius Galen who are not yet 21.  My friends James Muscroft of Pontefract, York, surgeon, Thomas Gaggs of Howden, York, surgeon, Robert Smith of Camblesforth hall, York, Gent.  Written 6 May 1831.  In the Codicil dated 23 May 1831 he wants money to go to his dear mother Hannah Wheelhouse of Kippax, York, widow. 

Wheelhouse, James of Otley, Yorkshire.  Oct 1799, Admon., vol. 143, folio ?
This is an administration.

Wheelhouse, John of Spofforth, Yorkshire.  Dec 1782, Exchequer, Will, vol. 126, folio 398, film 99743
John Wheelhouse of Linton, York, yeoman.  His wife is Maudland.  His two sons are Samuel and Robert and his daughter is Mary and they are not yet 21.  Samuel Burnell of Wetherby is mentioned.  He also has a son Joseph.  Written 2 July 1781.

Wheelhouse, John of Halifax, Yorkshire.  July 1814, Exchequer, Will, vol. 158, folio 466, film 99776
John Wheelhouse of Mayroyd Mill in Wadsworth in parish of Halifax, York.  My dear wife Elizabeth.  Mentions James Bateman of Oakenshaw in parish of Birstall corn dealer.  Dated 20 Nov 1813.

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