Thank you Colin Whitehead for inspiring me to make a post to this blog after a period of inactivity!
[This is a P.C.C. will.]
Testus Waltri Mawntell milts
IN DEI NOMME AMEN I Water Mawntell being of good mynde & remembrance make my last wille and testament under this maner and fourme folowing ffirst I bequethe my soule to almighty god Item I bequeth to every church hereafter folowing that is to say hayfford Bugbroke fflowur ffarnyinghoo kyngssutton Charleton Chapell and to every of them xs St. Item I will that all my feoffees stonde seased in all my landes to this use folowing ffirst I will that my wife have and enioye the maner of heyfford wt all the appurtenance in overheyfford and netherheyfford provided alway that she nor noon for her doo noo wast theruppon nor on the woods and she to occupye and enioy the said maner during her lyfe Item I will that my said feoffees stand seased in my maners of ffarnynghoo Norton Grymscott Wotton Wescotton and all other hameletts as Rood and Asshen fflowre Clanstropp Bugbroke Astropp Preston and ffarthingston and in all other landes that I have till my sonne John Mawntell be or may com to the age of xxi yeres to this use folowing I bequeth to my brother Thomas ffowler besides his patent that I have geven him out of Norton iiip vis viiid more during his lyfe Item I bequeth to my brother in lawe Thomas Eyton xls yerely during his lyfe Item I bequethe to Richard Woode during his lyfe fowre m.rcs yerely Item I bequeth every of my houshold servants both men & women xls in money. Item I will that my brother Thomas ffowler Receyve the profits and Revenues of all these forsaid landes fynding suertie to my said feoffees oons a yere to pay and make due accompt to my said feoffees, And the money therof comyng I will by the descrecion of my said feoffees be Imployed and indifferently dyvided amongh my daughters. Elyn Margaret Marye Anne and Dorathe to there mariages And my brother for his payne therein to have all the waiffe strays fynes and haryotts of all the forsaid landes except hayfford Also I will that my wife have all the residue of my goodes moveable and unmoveable whom I make and ordeyn myn executrix to see my detts paid And also I will that all my feoffees being assembled appoynt two or three of them to have the custodye of this, money whereof oon of them to be maister Willm. Spencer Dated the last day of August the xv yere of king henry the eight.
PROBATUM fuit testamentum . . . (Latin).
[I cannot translate Latin, but it is proved in London by "Margarete Relicte & executricis" on 4 August 1529.]
The following place names can be found in Bartholomew's Road Atlas Britain, 1984, on page 28:
Grymscott = Grimscote B2
ffarthingston = Farthingstone B2
fflowur or fflowre = Flore B2
overheyfford = Upr. Heyford B2
netherheyfford = Nether Heyford B2
ffarnynghoo = Farthinghoe (or Farthingoe) A4
Charleton = Charlton A4
kyngssutton = King's Sutton A4
Rood = Roade C2
Preston = either Preston Grange C2 or Preston Deanery C2 or Preston Capes B2
Bugbroke = Bugbrooke B2
Astropp = Upr. Astrop (just above King's Sutton on more detailed maps)
Norton = Norton B2
Asshen = Ashton C3
Clanstorp = Claxtorp or Clastorp in Flore
Chapell = apparently it is in the vicinity of Hartwell, Ashton, and Roade parishes. There is a Chapel Farm in Hartwell and Ashton parish, and Hartwell is a chapelry of Roade.
Wotton = Wootton C2
Wescotton (meaning Westcotton) = Far Cotton C2 (in Hardingstone parish)
[For further information on these places, see the English Place-Name Society, Volume X, The Place-Names of Northamptonshire, by J. E. B. Gover, A. Mawer and F. M. Stenton. Cambridge. 1933.]
[Interestingly, according to the above volume, under the parish of Farthingstone, is written:" MANTLES HEATH. John Mauntel had possession in the parish of a wood called MAUNTELL'S WOOD t. Hy 8 (Bridges i, 63), but the family must have been here far earlier, cf. MAUNTELESWODE 1346 For."]
See the Oxford's English Dictionary (a multivolume set) for definitions of words like: waiffe, accompt, m.rcs, feoffee, etc..
waiffe = land which may eventually fall to the Lord of the Manor.
accompt = account
m.rcs = marks (a unit of money)
feoffee = a freehold farmer being a tenant of the Lord.
oons = once
stonde seased = stand seized (meaning = to own or own)
xs St. = ten shillings Sterling
iiip vis viiid = 3 pounds 6 shillings 8 d.
xls = 40 shillings
maister = master
milts = military (He was a knight)
+++Why would Walter Mantell have a brother Thomas Fowler?
[Typed from a photocopy by Gregory J. Ramstedt, Dec. 28, 1989.] {MNTL1529}